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July 21, 2023

The Story Behind IronFit

I've heard the saying, "I'm not here for a long time, but I'm here for a good time." But is it considered selfish to want both?

The idea of longevity is a popular one, but it's important to understand what it means. Longevity doesn't mean we're going to live forever. It also doesn't mean that we're going to live a long life that's filled with decline.

What I believe longevity means is the quality of life that we live. I want to be able to move well and to move often, no matter my age. I want to be able to fall and get back up. I want to live a life where I'm not fearful due to my lack of fitness.

I believe that through a combination of exercise, nutrition, and doing so in a supportive community, we can live a life where we're not limited by our physical capacity.

My wife and I dedicated ourselves to a gym once before, and we learned a lot from that experience. We once said, "we would never open another gym until we know we can get it right…” and here we are! As time has progressed, we both realized that our passion and purpose is in the fitness and wellness space. As a result, IronFit was established.

We are fortunate to have this opportunity, and we're excited to share with the community a way of training that daily incorporates one or all 5 categories of functional fitness:


These 5 categories are all maintained and improved through practice, but they also decline with age. IronFit strives to improve these 5 by using a combination of the 7 foundational patterns:


We want to meet your needs not through driving membership numbers, but through the quality of service. You will be met at the door and go through a no-sweat intro in which we will establish your "Why." From there, we will develop a plan that guides you on your fitness journey.

Personal training is great for some, but we believe that there is a better and more effective way of training. We don't have personal training, but we do offer private coaching. The difference is, we're getting you to "own your fitness" so that you can progress continuously without breaking your bank.

I have a genuine passion for working with the older population, and at our previous gym, we referred to this group as "The Legends." Here in Pagosa Springs, we want to recreate this same concept, but we will now call it "The Golden Age." More details to come regarding this class.

In addition, there will be a group class membership in which you will have access to 4 daily group classes that will combine the practice of the 5 categories of fitness with a mixture of the functional patterns. These patterns are all mimicking the actions that we are performing on a daily basis, which in turn is greatly improving our quality of life.

Whether you're 25 and aiming to become a more fit version of yourself, or you're 82 and looking to build bone density (yes, it's possible), then we are the place for you. Join us in helping you reach your goals!

Browse our website, email us, or give us a call to learn more about IronFit and how we can help you achieve your fitness goals.

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